Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

To celebrate Halloween today, we had a party at daycare. We all dressed up in our costumes. The day was full of sugary goodness, even for us babies - cupcakes, cookies (which Mommy made), full-strength juice, and even some candy (most of which was sent home for the parents to eat). Needless to say, I crashed when we got home, but not before raiding the bowl of trick-or-treaters' candy.Mommy and Daddy dressed me up to take pictures.
Mommy was going to have me be either a duck or a dinosaur, but then she figured what little boy doesn't want to be a dinosaur, and what little boy wants to be a duck? So this year, while she still has control, I'm a duck. Quack!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

8 Things

Owen tagged me to tell 8 random things about myself, so:

1. My first word is officially "boom." As in, "I threw the diaper rash cream on the floor and it went boom." "I fell down and went boom." "I knocked the fan over and it went boom."

2. I'm getting more teeth! My two top front teeth are about to pop through, but based on my previous teeth's track record, I might be four before they come in.

3. I enjoy yellow and orange foods - mac 'n' cheese, cantaloupe, grilled cheese sandwiches, and mandarin oranges.

4. I don't wave at people; my "bye-bye" wave (the same wave all babies have) is actually my way of trying to grab things that are out of reach, like the windchimes on our front porch or the tower of onion rings at the table across the restaurant from us at dinner.

5. Three of the funniest things to me are when Mommy shivers and says "brrr" really loudly, when she imitates a chipmunk, and when people fake cry really loudly. These all bring on big belly laughs.

6. Mommy is on a genealogy kick right now, and so far she's found long-lost cousins in Belgium, as well as discovered that I'm a descendant of Eleanor of Aquitaine. Bow down to me!

7. Instead of being a plumber, I think I might be an electrician when I grow up. I'm practicing now by playing with power cords and trying to stick things in sockets whenever no one's looking.
8. If I fall asleep in the car in the evenings while we're out to dinner or running errands, I'll scream and throw tantrums when it's bedtime, so Mommy or Daddy has to sit in the backseat and entertain me.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Good cop, wanna donut?

This morning on our way back from getting donuts (at a new place at Briar Creek called the Fractured Prune), we were driving through the Park when we actually saw a Durham cop pull someone over for a traffic violation! The guy had pretty much run a red light, and the cop turned on his lights, ran the intersection too, and pulled him over. This NEVER happens here, since all the cops are too busy twiddling their thumbs to do anything (an amazing feat, since they simultaneously have their thumbs stuck in their tushkusses). Mommy and Daddy considered pulling over behind the cop and rewarding him with a couple donuts, but they thought better of it. Maybe a change is coming to Durham's streets? Red-light-runners, watch out!

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Yesterday was a teacher workday at daycare, so I spent the morning at work with Daddy, happily pounding away on an old keyboard and mouse, and the afternoon at work with Mommy, happily drawing on myself with pen (two of the marks are faintly visible on the side of my head).

Today at the library, I walked out the door with Mommy holding one hand and Daddy holding the other. Yay me!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!

When we were in Kansas City last week visiting Aunt Debbie and Uncle Dan, they decided to celebrate my birthday a few weeks early. They got me this really cool ride-on car.
It has lots of loud noises and music and the Mickey Mouse song, plus a big huge storage area under the seat where I can keep my cellphone and calculator.

We also celebrated with cake! I wasn't too sure of what to do with it when we started.

But I quickly figured it out, and dipped the plastic Winnie the Pooh figure in frosting, then licked it off.

I ended the night by trying to eat with my toes.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

When I grow up

I like to splash in the toilet.
Maybe I'll be a plumber when I grow up.
A ninja plumber.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Midwest tour

We just came back from a week-long trip to the Midwest. Here are the details.
We flew into Indy last Saturday morning. Mommy and Daddy are too cheap to get me my own seat, so they packed me in a checked suitcase. After they claimed me and the rest of our stuff, we drove to Bloomington, where we had lunch at the Trojan Horse, one of Mommy and Daddy's favorite restaurants when they lived there. We ate lots of yummy cheese par'er. They made us wait for a table because the only empty tables were in the bar area, and you can't sit there if you're under 21, even if you're only a baby who's obviously not going to order anything. Sheesh.Then it was on to Washington, to Daddy's cousin Ashley's wedding. Here she is with her husband Josh and their son Devin. I met tons of aunts and uncles and cousins, but I also had work to do.I inspected the tables for structural stability. Check! I also ate a lot of potatoes.

The next day, we drove to St. Louis. We stopped by Mommy's friend Heather's cute new house and met her parents. Then it was over to Mommy's aunt Mary's house for dinner with her kids and grandkids (and Heather too).
Aunt Mary had some cool toys to play with, including this Playschool school. I really liked spinning the merry-go-round and opening and closing the bathroom door and toilet lid.I didn't spend all day playing though; I had to check in with the office occasionally too.

Tuesday Grandma came down to visit, and we went to the St. Louis Science Center. It was so much fun!
I pretended to be a floodplain.
Daddy and I played a harp with infrared laser strings.
Mommy's a math dork, so she took a picture of the pi sign.I tried to build stuff.And Daddy tried to feed me to the animatronic tyranosaurus rex.
On Wednesday, we drove over to Kansas City to see Aunt Debbie and Uncle Dan. We went to a science museum there too, Science City.
Daddy and Aunt Debbie built an arch, because they're tall enough to reach the top.
Daddy and I consulted on how best to destroy the train set.
Daddy's legs magically disappeared in one of the exhibits.
Mommy and I flew a helicopter.
And Daddy tried to put me in a trash can (well, not really - it was actually a drumset, and he's helping me bang on it).
Friday night we went out to dinner for my birthday. I couldn't believe how expensive dinner was - and that they expected me, a little baby, to pick up the tab! We also celebrated my birthday with a cool new present and cake, but that'll be its own post.
Saturday before we left we played at Penguin Park.
All in all the trip was nice, but it was overwhelming! So many new people wanted to hold me and play with me, but I have a serious case of stranger anxiety right now. Plus, even though Mommy and Daddy tried, I was seriously off my schedule. Trips like this are nice, but next time we're just going to spend a week at home!

Oh yeah, and we're never again flying Southwest because their family policy is STUPID. No preboarding, so you better hope you're in group A or your family won't be sitting together. Stupid stupid stupid.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Bonding with Grandpa

Grandpa was here earlier this week for a visit. We played at the Durham Science Museum.
We built stuff.
And we tried to free the goats. We also ate yummy Locopops together. All in all, it was a good visit.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

You can see the wheels turning.

I mentioned that I can put the gumballs in my gumball machine. Well, last night, I extrapolated that to mean that I can also put my squirting tub toys in the toilet. Mommy noticed me figuring it out and shut the toilet lid, but the knowledge is still there. You've been warned.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Future voter

Mommy and I were at the science museum again today, and I went all Godzilla on the train set.
You may notice that I have a sticker on my shirt - it says "future voter." I accompanied Mommy and Daddy to the polls today so they could cast an early vote in the primaries for Durham city council. There's this nutjob lady running, as well as a trio of Republicans, that we don't want in charge of our city. Don't EVEN get me started on the yucky Libertarian who's running for mayor, or his Rovish campaign tactics. Stupid Libertarians...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Things I've discovered

Remember how I said I have teeth now? Well, I do. Two of them, in fact. They seem to be content to not grow anymore and just stay small for awhile. Here's a picture of them.
I also discovered my tongue! (I prefer to be as close as possible to the camera when you take my picture.)
My tongue is so cool! Playing is much more fun when it's sticking out.
And speaking of playing, I have this gumball machine thing, and yesterday while Mommy and I were home playing all day because I was sick, I discovered that you can drop the balls in the top, push the lever to make them come out, and then put them in again, over and over!

Oh, and I can walk now too. Mommy and Daddy forced me to.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Sick again

Today at daycare I wasn't feeling so great. I had a nasty cough, trouble breathing, and just overall lethargy, so my teachers called Mommy and Daddy to come get me. They took me to the doctors' office, where I was hooked up to a nebulizer AGAIN. I hate that thing so much! This time it took three people to get me to use it: Daddy held me and pinned my arms, Mommy held my head, and the nurse held the mask over my face. I really, really, really hate that thing. But it worked, which I guess is the good thing. The doctor diagnosed me with a croupy cough (again), as well as mild intermittant asthma. Basically, that means that I wheeze the air in and I wheeze it out, but fortunately not very often. He gave us a nebulizer to take home for me to use if I can't breathe well at night. He also said no one can smoke around me, which I think is great too because I don't like the smell! I'm on steroids for the next few days to open up my airways. Hopefully I'll be feeling and breathing better tomorrow!


So, I've been coughing a lot lately. I'm being kicked out of my crib at daycare and forced to sleep on a cot to make room for a new baby. I'm not being fed enough mac 'n' cheese or Locopops. I found this new thing in my mouth, my tongue, and I don't have nearly enough time in the day to play with it. To all that, I say...