Sunday, July 22, 2007

L'il' playa

Let me preface this entry by saying that Mommy and Daddy are really confused by my taste in music, as neither of them are big on the whole pop culture thing. Anyway.

Mommy and I both like fish but Daddy doesn't, so since he was out with his geeks last night Mommy decided to make that delicious gormet staple, tuna and noodle casserole. We went to the grocery store to get the ingredients (tuna, noodles, and cream of mushroom soup), as well as a few other things. While there, I flirted like I normally do: with older or pretty women. Seriously. If you're male or unattractive, I will ignore you as if you're not even there (unless you're male and with your wife, or unless you start playing with me). I grinned and smiled and cooed and generally had a good time, until this kinda scary looking old woman came over and said hi. I started crying! I have NEVER cried when someone said hi. Mommy told her that I needed a nap, but I didn't! I needed to get away from her!

On the way home, Mommy turned on the radio for me to listen to, and I heard the song "Pon de Relay" by Rihanna. I started singing (screeching) along, so when we got home Mommy got the song off iTunes for me to listen to again. Here's a video of me dancing (sorry the sound's so bad, but you don't really want to hear that song anyways).

I also really like Shakira's Spanish cd, which Liliana-at-daycare's dad listens to in the morning sometimes. And the fiddle music played on NPR's Back Porch Music show. Go figure. I'll also dance if Mommy or Daddy sings something catchy enough. I can't wait till I'm a few years older and can go clubbin'!


Lisa said...

We always wonder who are the people who are angling for the 'Back Porch Music' CD when they make their pledges to WUNC (because we are not fans). Now we know - its Jax!

Emily said...

Yeah, well, Jax isn't getting one because I'm not giving WUNC $125 for a stupid CD unless they agree to fire Eric "Assface" Hodge (Eric and I have issues).

Lisa said...

I hate the other guy. Rusty Jacobs. His speaking voice is so bizarre. He adds inflection in the wierdest places and yet his voice sounds very monotone. I don't know how both of those things can happen at the same time, and yet they do.

Emily said...

Lorne Mattalon bugs me too. He always plays shows from the previous week, and then after he realizes his mistake, he switches them at a commercial break. We use "mattalon" as a verb in our house, as in, "Wow, you really mattaloned it there when you [insert mistake]." And what kind of name is Lorne, really?