We've been working hard in our newly-painted kitchen. Mommy was sick of the ugly brown cabinets, so she painted them white. Pretty, huh?I spent last weekend helping Mommy make cookies. She made me do all the cleaning up.
When I got too tired of being Mommy's servant, I watched football with Daddy. Carolina actually won their game against San Francisco, but I didn't find it very exciting.
Here are about a third of the cookies Mommy and I have made so far. They are all yummy! We'll give you a goody basket if you can identify all nine!
At first I was like... Yeah! A way to get in on this bounty of cookies! But when it comes down to it, I'm not sure what most of these cookies are.
1. Sugar cookies (cut out - look like duckies!)
2. Uh... gingerbread?
3. Something that looks like chocolate-covered peanut brittle?
4. Those sandwich cookies. Mommy makes something like this called Linzertorte cookies, but yours also appear to have some apricot filling in some.
5. Snickerdoodles
6. Russian teacakes (those ones that live in a bath of powdered sugar until it is time for them to be eaten. Essentially a ball of nuts, butter and sugar wrapped in more sugar!)
7. Some sort of cinnamony crescent shaped things?
8. Those bar cookies with the coconut. Mommy doesn't know what they're called. How about Coconut cookie bars?
9. Spritz?
I see kolaches!!!!
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