Friday, November 9, 2007

Birthday celebrations

Mommy and Grandma made a snack for me to take into daycare for my birthday - bumbleberry pies.
Yum! David, Tyler, Henry, and I sat at the table to eat them.
A couple other babies had some too, but they're not big enough to sit with us. Daddy said it looked like a baby board meeting, although he's never seen one where everyone ate pie and ice cream.
None of us can use utensils yet, so we ate with our hands and made a big huge mess. After we were done eating, we had entertainment.

Mommy hit us with balloons, while Tyler danced.

Grandma made me a birthday cake for home.
I had a huge piece. Mommy likes it when I eat cake because I smell nice and sugary. Maybe I'll get it more often?
After we ate, I played with my birthday presents.
Daddy's coworker Alejandra and her family gave me a really cool car to ride on. It has levers to pull, so I think it might be my favorite right now. I can't wait till spring to race my baby friends around outside on my fleet of cars!
Grandma gave me a kitchen. It has lots of doors to open and close and put things in.
For example, you can put the cat in the stove. And then you can poke him with a fork to see if he's done.

A big thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes and cards and presents and cake/pie-sharing. I had a wonderful birthday!

1 comment:

Mary E. said...

Our cats love Kaleb's kitchen too! That made me laugh.