Thursday, May 8, 2008

18 months!

I am eighteen months old! Today I had my checkup, and if there's one thing I've learned in my short life, it's that I do NOT like people in scrubs. I was fine playing in the waiting room, and waiting for the nurse to come into the exam room, but as soon as she did I started sobbing! It's probably because of my horrible experience at the hospital last winter. I was fine when the doctor came in, though. I weigh 21.8 lbs with a wet diaper (less than my visit 3 months ago, but probably because I was sick between then and now, and I don't eat very much when I'm sick), which is the 5th percentile. I'm 33 inches, in the 75th percentile. I got two shots today - DTaP and HepA. I only cried for a little bit with them, and then I ripped off the bandaid and threw it away, which made me feel better.

Also, the doctor said that my lungs sound great - nice and clear - so in another month or so I can go down to once-a-day breathing treatments for the summer. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...skinny little man! Paige is now 14 months old and weighs 26 lbs in a dry diaper. Portly thing, she is.
