Saturday, December 22, 2007

Busy time of year

Sorry for the lack of updates, but we've been really busy! I'm feeling much better now, although I still get really tired, and my pediatrician said my nasty cough (from the RSV) should last another month or so. I spent a whole week at home recooperating, so I had to play extra hard at daycare, even though I really needed the rest. A new baby started this week. He's the same age as me, and we've become best friends already.
Here's a picture of my class at daycare. Christopher, my new friend, is sitting to the left of me (my right).
We got our Christmas tree last weekend. I've enjoyed watching the cats eat it, and listening to Mommy and Daddy yell at the cats for eating it, and trying to pull off the lights.
I always was really busy helping Mommy finish her holiday baking. We made thirty types of cookies: white velvet cookies, black and white slices, chocolate marzipan cookies, spiced-nut palmiers, cranberry and chocolate squares, brandy snaps, coffee sponge drops, chocolate almond torrone, toffee bars, lemon squares, citrus spice bars, chocolate crackle tops, cocnut macaroons, chewy apple brownies, bee sting bars, duck sugar cookies, fudge brownie tassies, pfeffernüesse, shortbread, viennese brownies, marbled brownies, fudge, peppermint swirl cookies, gingerbread cookies, sablés de confiture, cinnamon refrigerator cookies, glazed sugar cookies (spritz cookies), seven layer cookies, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, and jam thumbprint cookies. Next year Mommy and I are going to start at Halloween, instead of Thanksgiving, and make 45.
I've also been busy wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. I love an excuse to talk on the phone!

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