Monday, April 28, 2008

Expanding vocabulary

This past week I've started saying more words. I now say "mommy" and "daddy," as compared to "mama" and "dada." Yesterday I started saying "phone." Other words I use include "more," "kitty," "ball," and "book."

In addition to words, there are several sounds I like to make too. I can bark like a dog ("arf"), which I do whenever I see one, like when we're at the farmers' market. I can meow like a cat ("mow"), which I do whenever they meow at me. I can beep like a cash register or a car ("bee-beep") when we're going through a checkout lane or whenever a car honks in the neighborhood. And I can neigh like a horse, which I do when I play with my Little People farm that makes animal noises.

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