Friday, October 24, 2008

Mean Mommy

Because I'm almost two, I'm very particular about what I want and when I want it.

Usually in the mornings Daddy gets me up and nebulizes me. It makes me thirsty, so afterwards I ask for milk. If I'm congested I don't get it because it makes the gunk in my throat worse. However, yesterday Mommy got me a cup. I used to like it warmed up slightly, but that was a week ago and I don't anymore. Mommy warmed it up anyways, which left me crying for more milk. Daddy got me some but there was something in the top of my sippy cup lid so I didn't want to use the lid. He took it off but then I spilled the milk slightly. Mommy put it in a different, regular cup, but I didn't want to drink out of that; I wanted my lidless sippy cup. It was time to go to school at this point so Mommy said I could have some milk at daycare. But I wanted it immediately, so I told Mommy, "Mean Mommy!!" It hurt her feelings, so I then (with a little prodding from Daddy, who gave me some milk in a new sippy) told her, "I uv ou, Mommy."

And then last night at dinner I didn't want to eat; I wanted to go straight to my dessert of M&Ms. Mommy wouldn't let me have any if I didn't eat my dinner (pot roast, carrots, and potatoes), so I told her, "Mean mean mean mean Mommy!" This time it didn't work, however. But Daddy put some ketchup on my food and I ate some so I could have dessert.

As awful as it is to say though, Mommy and Daddy are glad that I'm able to tell them what's wrong rather than hitting and screaming. And they know that there'll be worse to come in the next twenty years!

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