Monday, June 9, 2008

Using my words

As a toddler, a lot of my tantrums are the result of me becoming frustrated because I want to do something and I can't. So, to help me out, Daddy, Mommy, and my teachers are helping me find the right word or expression to use so I can get what I want. Here are a few of the words and phrases I use on a regular basis:
  • "Hi, [insert name]!" I've started using people's names when I say hi, like the names of the other kids at daycare, grandma or grandpa, my teachers, etc.
  • "Bye bye, [insert name]!" Same when I say goodbye. I also enjoy waving when I say either expression.
  • "Bless you!" I'm a very polite little boy, so when someone sneezes or coughs, I'll say this until they acknowledge me.
  • "Thank you." This is another important component of being polite, so I say this when you give me something.
  • "Please." I'm learning that I get things more quickly and more often if I say this instead of just grunting and pointing.
  • "Help!" This is a very good word that Daddy taught me to say this weekend. Like "please," it gets me things more quickly and more often when I use it.
  • "More." I use this to get more juice or milk ("mih").
  • "Buhbuh [insert word]." This is my way of saying, "I want." It's often followed by "vaccuum" (I love to vaccuum!) or "potty".
  • "Down Tybble! Down!" Or "No Tybble! No!" One of our cats, Tybalt, is always doing what he's not supposed to - getting on the table, getting on top of the refrigerator, hitting another cat, biting someone, etc. I've decided to help discipline him and will yell at him when he's misbehaving.
  • Directions - outside, inside, upstairs, downstairs. I am a boy on the go.
  • Object words - ball, kitty, doggy, book, spoon, phone, vaccuum, apple, banana, basket.
  • Sounds. Doggies say "arf arf," kitties say "meow," cars say "beep beep," birds say "tweet tweet."
  • And finally, yesterday I figured out a new one. I put my finger over my mouth and say, "shhhh." Because sometimes, silence is best.

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