Friday, January 25, 2008

All better, thanks to my drugs

You know that cold and roseola I had a couple weeks ago? Well, Mommy and Daddy took me to the doctor on Monday because the cough wasn't getting better, and it turned out I had a double ear infection! The nurse was surprised that my ears looked as bad as they did; she said I was in an incredibly good mood considering how I must have felt, and she couldn't quite believe that I didn't have a fever. She was also concerned that I was wheezing, so we came home with a bag of goodies - amoxicillin (antibiotic) for my ears and orapred (steroid) for my breathing - as well as instructions that I be nebulized twice a day for a week or so (with pulmicort or xopenex or albuterol; whichever we happened to grab).

Today Daddy and I went back to the doctor so she could check how I was doing, and my wheezing is almost all gone, as is my cold! That's good, because if I was still wheezing, I might have had to be put on a daily inhaler-type medication. Yuck!

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