Sunday, April 29, 2007


This past week, the teachers at daycare have noticed that I've been kinda cranky. Usually I'm outgoing and smiley and happy, but oh no, not this week. I cried and whined and was generally not a fun baby to be around at times. The reason? I'm getting my first tooth! It's a bottom right one, and it's just poking through my gums a little bit. After Mommy and Daddy noticed it, they gave me some baby Tylenol, which really helepd my mood, and some baby Orajel, which I HATED! I tried to spit it out, but seeing as how I can't spit yet, and it was rubbed on my gums, I didn't have much luck with that.

Despite being fussier than usual, I still had a pretty good weekend. Saturday Mommy and I went on our second playdate, with Owen and Rosco. Owen taught me a really fun noise, kind of like gargling, that I've added to my repertoire for when I'm tired and fussy (which has been a lot the last couple days!). We're on to pears now, and I LOVE them cold mixed with applesauce. Sunday morning Mommy had to give me seconds of them, I enjoyed them so much! She tried to sneak me peas and carrots instead, since they were already thawed and ready to eat, but I wouldn't have anything to do with them. I made my happy raptor noise (kind of a shriek, like, "Ahhhhhh-Eeeeeeeeeee-Ughhhhhhhhhhh") until my second helping of fruit was ready. On Sunday Mommy and I got up early (I refuse to sleep late on weekends) and went to Lowes to pick out flowers and vegetables. I helped her push the cart and put everything in it. I loved looking at all the bright flowers. Later in the day, I helped Mommy plant everything. I lay on a blanket and watched her. It felt so nice to be outside in the sun!

I'm hoping my new tooth comes in quickly, because I don't like being fussy. Plus, Daycare Tyler's grandma thinks he may be getting a tooth soon too, and I want to beat him! Not that growing up is a competition. But it's still nice to be hitting milestones before other babies!

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