Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Slimy frog guts

Guess what I had for dinner tonight!

Although tasty, it was much more fun to let it ooze down my chin while I yelled at Mommy for more, more, more!
Give up? No, not slimy frog guts, although it does look like that, doesn't it? I ate peas! So far, I'm eating bananas, pears and applesauce (spiked with rice cereal), carrots, sweet potatoes, and peas. Tomorrow I get to try green beans, then on to avocados and squash next week.

In addition to eating and yelling, I'm spending a lot of my time trying to crawl. I've figured out how to wiggle my arms and twitch my legs, but so far I can't put it together and move. I practice every chance I get though! I'm able to move right now by rolling around. Here's me on Sunday. I wanted to play with Daddy, but he was taking a nap, so I rolled over to him to try to wake him up. That didn't work, so I started crying and yelling. Worked like a charm!


sweetnes said...

In the first two pics, the baby kind of looks like Jabba the Hut. I know that's not the kind of thing parents like to hear about their kids, but hey Jabba was a pimp.

jk jk. Please don't excommunicate me.

Little Jax said...

More so in the first than the second, but yeah, you're right. :)

Mary E. said...

Wow, he looks SO much like James in the first pic, especially just the expression he is making. I see no Jabba. It's interesting to see how many things him and James will share as Jax gets older - Kaleb and Brian have many identical expressions and habits.

Deb said...

Well you can definately not deny he is a "Martin". He has the eyes. I such a sweetheart. He seems to be loving the food.