Wednesday, August 1, 2007

In a mood

I took Tyler's toy again today, but it was okay because he was throwing a tantrum and not playing with it. There's a new teeny tiny little baby at daycare who needed attention, so poor Tyler had to wait four whole minutes to get his breakfast. He was whining and "being horrible," as the teacher put it, so I laughed at him. I mean, c'mon, you're nine months old. Have they ever not fed you? It's just a few minutes! Suck it up!

And on a completely unrelated note, my new favorite toy is the shower curtain. I can pull myself up on the tub and try to pull it down. And when redirected away from that, I can scrunch up the bath mats and spill the cats' water dish all over myself and the floor, then pull the cats' tails. I love the bathroom.

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