Monday, September 24, 2007

What I say

There are several words and phrases I use on a regular basis:
  • "Dadadadadada"* - this doesn't necessarily pertain to Daddy, but it's always amusing to have him answer me whenever I say this.
  • "Babababababa"* - I don't use this to mean bottle or boob; it's more like a general commentary on the current state of things.
  • "Mamamamamama"* - like "dadadadadada," I don't necessarily use this to refer to Mommy, despite what she might think.
  • "Gah" - this is a universal, forceful "that" or "darn it," and my most common word. I use it to refer to the cats, books, toys, or, as was the case yesterday, a lack of anymore Locopops popsicles (I had Very Berry, and it was very yummy).
*Note: number of syllables varies depending on my attention span.

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