Sunday, September 9, 2007


We went to the beach this weekend. Mommy and Daddy weren't sure if we should, since Tropical Storm Gabrielle was supposed to hit Saturday night, but we went anyways. We went to Kure Beach, near Wilmington. It has a big pier, but we didn't go on it because it sways too much for Mommy, who has really bad motion-sickness problems.
Friday night wasn't too much fun. I had a fever all last week, and I was a major fussbutt. At dinner, I didn't want to eat - it was much more fun to watch the people, take food out of my mouth and throw it on the floor, and whine. Then when we got back to the hotel, I didn't want to sleep, even though I was really really tired. Mommy and Daddy were not happy about how this vacation had started.Saturday we got up early (because I don't sleep in on weekends!) and went to the aquarium. I watched the alligators, who watched me back. I pet the crabs and splashed in the water in the touch pool exhibit. We watched the big saltwater tanks and the jellyfish. I was pretty sleepy at this point, so I didn't really take much in.

Back at the hotel afterwards, Mommy and Daddy realized why I'd been so fussy - I had really bad diaper rash, plus I was covered with red spots (roseola again). After that I felt a lot better and was in a much better mood, which Mommy and Daddy were grateful for.

The food problem was solved next. I just wasn't given the right food!
Look what I had with lunch - yum! My cousin Chris liked lemons as a baby too, so I guess it's just more genetic weirdness.
After lunch we played on the beach, where I also had a quick snack.
Well, not so much a snack as a meal. I ate quite a few (6 or 7?) handfuls of sand. Yum! Daddy and I played in the waves while Mommy dozed on the beach. After dinner we went for a walk on the beach, where I realized that my parents are oddly fascinated with birds. Mommy and I chased the sandpipers, which made me really laugh! Daddy and I pretended to be sandpipers by running towards and away from the waves, until I fell asleep. Those big waves were really relaxing!

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