Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Look what I can do!

Oh yeah, that's right. I can sit up by myself! I'm still working out a few wobbles, and after several minutes I fall over, but I can do it!

According to the baby books, once I'm sitting on my own I'm ready for finger foods. Mommy gives me Cheerios, and the more the better. I take big handfuls of them and shove them in my mouth, hoping one or two will stay in for me to eat. Saturday at breakfast, Mommy wasn't feeding me fast enough (likes always), so between bites I shoved Cheerios in my mouth.

Here's a video of me eating. I voice my satisfaction with the food with every bite I take. Daddy thinks I'm trying to imitate Mommy by saying "Mmmmmm." I'm eating peachy chicken here, which is my favorite thing for dinner, followed closely by sweet potato-y hamburger and my baby minestrone.

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