Saturday, June 30, 2007

Science Museum

Mommy and I went to the Durham Museum of Life and Science today for a playdate. There were three other little boys there too, all within 7 1/2-9 months old.
The first thing we did was sit in a pile of blocks and eat them. Here I am with Tiffany and Rosco, Mandi and Jaekob, and Emily and Logan. I wasn't too sure about being forced to play with new babies, so for most of the time I sat on Mommy's lap.
Next we went to the area specifically for little kids (although there were some bigger kids there too, who almost trampled us EVEN with their parents watching). They had the coolest thing there - a table with beads on wires that you can push around! I had a lot of fun with this.
There were also silly mirrors on the walls. I found one with a baby who looked just like me, only his head was a lot bigger!
Next I found a fish to eat. Mommy cringed at all the germs that were probably on it, but I think that they just made the wood and vinyl taste better.
We walked around outside and saw the farm animals in the petting zoo, then the big nasty insects in the butterfly house. By this point all of us babies were getting pretty tired, so we called it a day. It sure was more fun than the last time I went there, with my aunts Donna and Debbie and Marsha, when I was four months old and had bronchiolitis!

1 comment:

Elizabeth F. said...

I love the pic of him looking into the magnifying mirror. LOL!

Also, I'm having a Soalrveil Sling Give-Away on my site if you're interested in entering. :-)