Monday, June 25, 2007

Trip to Evansville, days three and four

When we woke up Saturday, we were all in a happy mood. I slept the entire night in the pack-n-play and fell asleep with minimal fuss. Daddy was feeling back to normal. Mommy had gone to sleep at 8:30 and gotten plenty of rest. We were ready to face the day pretty early, so we loaded up the car and drove around to see what had changed. Not much: a few new stores here and there and some new subdivisions, but it was still pretty much the same town. Mommy and Daddy couldn't get over how flat it was, and how treeless! They also appreciated the Triangle's sign ordinances, as everywhere you look in Evansville there are big signs for stores and telephone wires.

We went to lunch at the restaurant that Mommy and Daddy went to on their first date, Golden Buddha in nearby Newburgh. They are convinced that it's a front for drugs or illegal smuggling, as every time they've been there (lunch, dinner, middle of the afternoon, weekday, weekend), there have never been more than five other tables of people, yet the place has been in business for at least almost a decade. We were the only people in there. The food was pretty good, and there was a big fish tank for me to watch.

After lunch, it was time for the main reason we came to Evansville for the weekend - the wedding of Emily Becker, one of Mommy's college friends. Daddy wasn't feeling so hot at the moment, and he's not big on weddings, so he dropped Mommy and me off at the church and went to his friend Glen's house instead, which is right near the church. Mommy was kinda apprehensive about taking me, since it was a Catholic wedding, but everything worked out well. I had a bottle to get me through the readings. During the vows I was approaching fussbutt levels, so we went out into a vestibule where we found a matchbox car in the lost and found for me to chew on. Right before communion the random lady in front of us (whom we later found out worked in the Resident Life office at UE) turned around. I reached out to her and her big shiny necklace, and she held me and played with me for the rest of the ceremony.

Daddy picked us up when it was over and we went back to the hotel to rest for a bit before the reception. I spent the time playing with my new favorite toy - the remote! I got pretty good at turning the TV on and off and changing the channel - especially if Mommy or Daddy were watching something.
The reception was really nice. Mommy tried feeding me some beefy vegetables baby food, but I wasn't interested. I was really squirmy too, so Daddy sat me on the floor and gave me a roll to gnaw on. Just as I had gummed it to the point that I could actually eat some of it, they took it away and fed me some more baby food.After dinner came the dancing. Mommy's college roommate Kim was a bridesmaid, so this was her opportunity to sneak off the bridal party platform and mingle. Even though she couldn't remember my name, she was happy to play with me. Kim does drugs for the Ft. Wayne, IN, police department. Mommy and Kim talked for awhile and got all caught up. I got to meet Becker, the bride, whom Mommy has now seen in a dress exactly twice. Becker and her now husband live in Boston right now, but want to move back to the Midwest to raise a family.It was getting past my bedtime at this point and I was really tired, so we went back to the hotel and (you guessed it) enjoyed the cable.

Sunday we got up, checked out, and returned the pack-n-play. We dropped it off at Books-A-Million, which is a like a deadly, soul-sucking whirlpool because people who work there can't seem to escape from it. Mommy was working there when she met Daddy, who had worked there during college. Kelly still works there after almost ten years! After we dropped it off, we went to a real bookstore, Borders, where Mommy ran into a classmate of hers, Brookeanne. They took Russian together in college. Brookeanne now has two adorable kids of her own. Next we went to lunch at TGIFridays, a restaurant Daddy really likes but one we rarely eat at because the one in Raleigh is nasty. I managed to take Mommy's watch off her wrist while we were eating. Then it was back to the Louisville airport (I slept the whole way back). We got through checking in and security with no problems, due in part to the fact that the check-in person didn't bother to look at our IDs (and when Mommy asked if she wanted to see them, she said no. Good thing we're not terrorists!). The flight back was uneventful, except that Mommy and I were snowed on (the flight attendant said that it was just frozen condensation from the air conditioner). I slept for most of the flight, again, and then we were back home. And although I enjoyed my trip and all the new people I met, it's nice to be back.

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