Monday, May 21, 2007

Guinea pig

Yesterday Mommy and I went to lunch with her friends Ivana and Eboni, and Eboni's five-month-old baby Jackie. Ivana is just finishing her first year of med school at UNC, and she likes to practice what she's learning. Right now she's finishing microbiology, so on the way to lunch she told Mommy all about the fun infections I could have. I got a little worried, but Mommy later explained to me that there's really no chance of me having Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, a tapeworm, or Lyme disease. After lunch, back at our house, Ivana gave me a checkup. Kind of. I delighted her by rolling over. And over. And over. In return, she checked my feet to make sure I hadn't had a stroke (good news - I hadn't!). She offered to take me to Boston with her for the summer, but then decided she doesn't even really take care of her cat, so a baby would probably be too much, especially one who takes his socks off as much as I do.

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