Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Stupid internet games

So, I've been tagged by Tiffany, Rosco's mommy, to say 7 random things about myself. Seeing as how I'm only six months old, this should be interesting.
  1. I hate Scientologists. All of them. Every single one of them. Famous ones, unknown ones, dead ones (especially L. Ron Hubbard), crazy ones. Hatred of them is a family trait.
  2. I spit up on Mommy's roses while smelling them one day. It didn't make them grow any faster or bigger, but it didn't kill them either. Maybe I'll try it again someday.
  3. I have a little stuffed lizard (Mr. Lizard) whose eyes glow in the dark. I chew on them.
  4. I sleep best when lying on my belly with my butt up in the air, snuggled up with my stuffed elephant (Mr. Elephant).
  5. I wrestled Cthulhu and I won. Unfortunately, no one seems to know who Cthulhu is.
  6. Mommy and Daddy are both Francophiles, so it looks like I will be too (another family trait). They try to go every couple years so their French doesn't get too rusty, and there are plans to go next summer for the 50th anniversary of the school Mommy went to over there. I'll get to go too! They'd like to stick me in a French language immersion school when I'm a couple years older, but the only one in the Triangle is in Chapel Hill and is run by the Montessoris, whom Daddy is convinced are vampires. So Mommy's anticipating getting a call one day saying, "Ma'am, your son was chasing other kids with a stake, sprinkling water on them, yelling, 'the power of Christ compels you!' And he reeks of garlic. Do you even wash your son?"
  7. The first sounds I heard as I entered this world were the dulcet tones of the Democrats taking it all back. I was born on Election Day, and between contractions Mommy and Daddy were watching the results on TV and discussing politics with the doctor and nurse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just laughed so hard I snorted. Ahh, I needed that!