Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What's in a name...

I'm a ham; I'll admit it. I hone in on people and turn on the charm. As I smile and flirt, people will ask the typical baby questions: "How old is he?" "What's his name?" And after this second question comes a blank look and a big, "Huh?" Or, if the person is polite, "That's an interesting name." And Mommy or Daddy will have to explain why I'm named Jax. So, for all you who've wandered in off the internet and don't know:
  • No, I'm not named after the big angry black guy on Mortal Kombat.
  • No, I'm not named after the character on General Hospital.
  • No, I'm not named after an airport (and by the way, it's LAX, not Jax. Sheesh.)
  • No, it's not short for Jackson.
  • Jax is a nickname, short for James Alexander. Kinda like how Nabisco is an abbreviated form of National Biscuit Company. Daddy was Jamie when he was a kid, is James now, is called Uncle Jack by his niece and nephews, and dislikes the nicknames Jim or Jimmy. I was almost an Alex, but Mommy and Daddy decided on Jax because of its uniqueness.

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